
(noun, sg. m; Gr. δᾳδοῦχος, Ξ”Ξ‘Ξ”ΞŸΞ₯ΧΟΣ. ) β€” the torch-bearer. persephone, who stepped into the underworld and did not flinch as the darkness closed in, ***for she carried the fire ***

dadukos is a private / fandomless roleplay blog for an original character set in the contemporary crime / thriller genre. although inspired by various pieces of fiction and media, FREDDIE DAWSON is an entirely original character of the author's own creation and is not in any way affiliated to any of the actors or media portrayed on this blog. because of the presence of mature and triggering themes on these pages and on the blog itself, i ask that people below the age of 21+ do not interact, please. please read the rules below before interacting. this blog is single ship and multiverse. please read the verses page for more information.


first of all, welcome β€” i'm rylan [ she / her ], 29, european, and this is my original character freddie dawson. this is a private blog, meaning that because of the scarce free time i can dedicate plus my own personal comfort, i will only interact with mutuals / friends. every graphic on this blog ( theme graphics, promos, icons, carrd graphics, coloring psds etc ) WAS created by me and so, obviously: don't steal. this being said i'm always eager to plot and interact with anyone, just please take a look at the rules listed on this page as they are here to guarantee a stress-free experience for everyone involved. this blog is single ship, please check verses page to know more. last, but not least - english is not my first language so i apologize for any spelling or grammar mistakes you may encounter!


this is a private and selective blog , meaning interaction will only happen with mutual followers . i hope that you can please respect this , as it is not a mean to be elitist in any way , but just a way for me to maintain a stress - free environment . i also ask to please not send memes unless we have plotted a dynamic already β€”β€” the exception being, of couse, memes purposefully created to encourage first time interactions ( such as first meetings, ooc memes, etc ). also, while i appreciate all memes and asks i receive, obviously, i'm a slow meme replier and i'd rather keep a clean / manageable inbox, so please, if you can, do not send more than three asks at a time. thank you for understanding.


as i’m 25+ , there will be mature & triggering themes on this blog . although triggers & nsfw material will be tagged accordingly , i would advise you not to follow if you’re particularly sensitive to themes such as ( forced ) prostitution, domestic abuse, death , depression, child abandonment, alcoholism and violence in general . although smut and sexual situations will be rare, they may be written on this blog β€” only and exclusively with muns & muses i’m very close to , and who are more than 21 years old . smut / nsfw will always be tagged and, on occasions, be put under a read more . all triggers and sensitive material will be tagged as ' trigger / ' [ i.e. death /, alcoholism /, etc. ] . as for my triggers, i would really appreciate it if you could tag visual close-ups of jewelry ( such as necklaces, crowns, earrings etc ) as jewelry / or jewels /.


in regards to the use of the term prostitution β€”β€” i am aware that the preferred term for those in the sex industry is sex work / sex worker, however freddie is not a sex worker_ and she has actually been coerced into this profession, which is why i prefer using the term __' forced prostitution __' to emphasize the abusive nature of her situation β€” it does not, in any form or shape , mean to undermine the honest work of willing sex workers, nor is it a way to exploit human trafficking as a cute, dramatic plot point.


this blog is MULTIVERSE but SINGLE SHIP. in every verse ( unless he simply is not a part of the plot ) fred's main and only love interest is kal anderson / ilias kalixus abΓΈrn, therefore i am not looking to plot any more romantic dynamics ( although platonic / friendship / familial dynamics are always more than welcome ). please know freddie’s a flirt by default &, except for verses in which her cheerful nature has been undermined by other events, will always come off as flirty even with no real intent behind it.


i mostly use small text and small gif icons, but i do not expect my partners to conform in any way and i can go gifless, if preferred. all i ask is that you please trim your posts, and that's about it. it's always okay to reblog memes and turn them into threads β€”β€” unsolicited asks and starters are also more than okay if we already have a plotted / established dynamic between muses, and are in fact very appreciated. as for interactions of all kinds, general rp etiquette applies : do not godmod, do not twist the meaning of my starters / replies to belittle my muse, do not force ship, please be respectful of both mun and muse.


PLEASE BE UPFRONT AND OPEN. i cannot emphasize this enough: with any possibe inconvenience ( whether you're not into a thread / plot anymore or you have any ooc issues you'd like to address ) please let me know and i can guarantee i will address it with respect and maturity, as we are all alleged adults and i really do not appreciate unnecessary drama. generally, please pay me the respect of addressing me as a human being and not a mindless robot behind a blog. i may fuck up, as that is part of human nature β€” educate me, please. do not belittle me. for this very same reason i ask that you please address problems openly and not via anon, as they tend to be more anxiety-inducing than anything. i also will not engage in callout culture β€” though i do appreciate being warned about toxic / problematic people ( and i would like to know if i'm interacting with one, unbeknownst to myself ), i refuse to accept callouts as a valid form of protection as i tend to believe they do more harm than good.


***i might unfollow / soft block blogs who make me uncomfortable ***. blogs who post a lot of ooc drama, blogs who post an extreme amount of stuff that clutters my dash, blogs that just make me uncomfortable for any reason. it’s not personal - i’m just trying to keep this experience as stress-free as possible, and unfortunately sometimes this means distancing myself from things that stress me out. i will also avoid following duplicates of my closest partners' faceclaims or canon characters, with few potential exceptions.


thank you for reading so far β€”β€” if you'd like to plot or interact, your best way is always filling out my ***interest tracker *** or sending me an instant message. you can also find me on my other blog, ***dehlilas *** [ multimuse / low activity ]. ( i used to have a commission blog too, but as time won't allow me to dedicate more energy to it, if you'd like to commission me anything you can do so through this blog, too ).


all static graphics on this blog, including static icons, were made by me. all gif icons used were cropped and edited by me (with the exception of gifs from the show scenes from a marriage which were made entirely by me), starting (with permission) from resources provided by *leejiuen *, *emmaofrph *, *lomapacks *, *rcserph *, ariadnea (gifs of j. chastain) and *scariodintts *, *youngfcs * (gifs of l. martino).